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Give Grads Their Perfect Moment

Less stress, more participation.
Remove unnecessary steps that keep graduates from participating in commencement ceremonies. MarchingOrder is the only platform that gives you the power to deliver the moment with less effort.
See how it works
Easier for students. Easier for you.
Eliminate Friction in Graduation Planning
Remove stress and barriers in the graduation experience to ensure the perfect moment for every student. Our software has thought of everything, so you don’t have to.
Increase Student Participation  
Improve student communications with MarchingOrder and see your confused caller volume drop as student participation at graduation goes up.
Save Resources and Countless Staff Hours
MarchingOrder gives you workflows that automate steps and provide decision-making insights, from ticketing and logistics to expert name recordings.
For more than 20 years we've helped institutions deliver the perfect moment for millions of students.

MarchingOrder is your partner in delivering exceptional graduation ceremonies that turn accomplished students into proud alumni.
More Than 500 Institutions Trust MarchingOrder
Discover How MarchingOrder Can Be Your Graduation Partner