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Simplify Grad Name Card Printing with MarchingOrder

October 19, 2023
Simplify Grad Name Card Printing with MarchingOrder

Ceremony coordinators juggle numerous responsibilities, orchestrating multiple elements to flawlessly execute a graduation ceremony. One of the most crucial of these responsibilities is overseeing the printing of graduate name cards. This task is integral to ensuring that each graduate’s name is accurately announced and matches with the right individual as they walk across the stage to be recognized for their achievements.

MarchingOrder relieves you of any stress and anxiety associated with this task when you partner with us for school-branded name display and/or professional name announcements. Our proficient printing and distribution team expertly manages the printing of graduate cards, labels and other materials for you.

“Coordinators are doing so many different things all the time and their most valuable resource is time. If we’re able to give them a little bit of time back, that’s very beneficial for them. We’re really helping the client by taking away some of the work that they have and giving them the peace of mind knowing that these things (cards, labels, etc.) will be ready by the time they need it,” explained John Finch, Printing and Distribution Manager at MarchingOrder.

“I think the client really loves the idea that they can just say, ‘We need these cards on this date’—and that’s all they have to do.”

MarchingOrder’s attention to detail, quality control, efficient workflows and the ability to anticipate your needs ensure that the printed materials you need for your ceremony will be accurate and delivered when you need them.

Accurate and Timely Deliveries

Accuracy is essential in ensuring a smooth graduation ceremony. Our team meticulously reviews and double-checks all printed materials to guarantee they are not only correct but also meet our clients’ standards. This attention to detail ensures that graduates receive the correct cards and that they are in the precise order they should be, eliminating any last-minute chaos or confusion.

We also understand the importance of punctuality in event planning, and our track record reflects our dedication to meeting deadlines. Clients can rest assured that their materials will be ready when they need them, saving valuable time and resources.

“We make sure that it’s done correctly, that it’s going to arrive there on time and that there are no mistakes. Our whole goal is to get materials into the client’s hands, on time, so that it’s correct and to their specifications,” stated Finch.

Attention to Detail

With twenty years of experience printing materials for our clients, we have honed our expertise to perfection. We know the processes and systems that work best for our clients. Our meticulous attention to detail guarantees that your printed materials will meet and even exceed your standards.