<<Training <<MarchingOrder Assistant

Send Emails to Filtered Lists of Graduates



MarchingOrder Assistant can send emails directly to graduates that appear in a customized filter view.

To begin, login to your administrator account at admin.marchingorder.com


To send an email directly to the graduates that appear in a customized filter view, please follow these steps.

  1. Prepare your Email Template in the Communication Manager.
  2. Prepare your custom View according to the Using Graduate Views instructions.
  3. Open the Communication Manager. It will show the first tab: Send Email.
  4. Click the blue Custom Filters button next to the Standard Filters dropdown.
    Emailer Custom Filters
  5. Now you will see two dropdown menu options: School Wide Filters and Ceremony Filters.
    (For School Wide Filters, choose your View from the dropdown and skip to Step 7.
    Set Filters
  6. To send an email to a ceremony-specific group, first select the applicable ceremony from the Recipient Ceremonies dropdown list. A green checkmark box will indicate a selection.Next, click Ceremony Filters and choose the graduate view that includes the population you would like to email.

    NOTE: Only one ceremony-specific filter can be loaded at a time.
    Demo screen

  7. Click Load Template to select the email template you wish to send. Once loaded, you can make additional edits before sending.NOTE:: These changes will not be saved in the templates. Alternatively, you can create a new email from scratch.
  8. When you’re ready to send, click the green Review recipient total button. This will open a confirmation window. If everything is correct, click OK to send your email.
    Review Recipient Totals button